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The plug-in exposes nine JavaScript events in the Oracle APEX page designer.

UC Froala CLOB updated

The plug-in triggers the event (ucfroalaclobdraftupdated) after the draft CLOB is updated in the plug-in collection.

PropertyTypeDescription checksum of a draft CLOB of the CLOB value.

UC Froala CLOB reset

The plug-in triggers the event (ucfroalaclobonloadreset) after the Froala editor content is reset to ONLOAD CLOB.

PropertyTypeDescription checksum of an onload CLOB of the CLOB value.

UC Froala Option Changed

The plug-in triggers the event (ucfroalaoptionchanged) after executing the following United Codes Rich Text Editor Pro (Extend) actions:

  • Image Browser Parameters
  • Upload Parameters

The event is triggered along with object described below

PropertyTypeDescription Froala editor or the plug-in option name that has been changed. Possible values are: base64images, imageUploadParams, and imageManagerLoadParams | JSON | BooleanThe option value before a change| JSON | BooleanThe option value after a change nodeThe event triggering element,

UC Froala Before Initialization

The plug-in triggers the event (ucfroalabeforeinitialize) in order to extend the Froala configuration with dynamic actions which implement the United Codes Rich Text Editor Pro (Extend) supporting plug-in.

The event can be used on the APEX global page to change the settings of all plug-in instances across all pages in an application.

The event is triggered along with the JSON object described in the table below.

PropertyTypeDescription Froala option currently used by the plug-in

UC Froala Initialized

The plug-in triggers the event (ucfroalacontentinitialized) right after the Froala editor is created.

The event is triggered along with the JSON object described in the table below.

PropertyTypeDescription Froala option currently used by the plug-in

UC Froala Content Changed

The plug-in event (ucfroalacontentchanged) is triggered when content within the Froala editor changes.

The event is triggered along with the JSON object described in the table below.

PropertyTypeDescription Froala option currently used by the plug-in

UC Froala Image Browser Error

The plug-in event (ucfroalaimagemanagererror) is triggered when the Froala Image Manager (image browser) raises an error.

The event is triggered along with the JSON object described in the table below.

Learn more about codes and messages in the Froala documentation for the Froala event imageManager.error.

PropertyTypeDescription Froala option currently used by the plug-in Froala error code Froala error message RESTful delete service output

UC Froala Image Upload Error

The plug-in event (ucfroalaimageuploaderror) is triggered when an image upload fails.

The event is triggered along with the JSON object described in the table below.

PropertyTypeDescription Froala option currently used by the plug-in Froala error code Froala error message RESTful delete service output

UC Froala Images In Collection

The plug-in event (ucfroalacollectionimageschanged) is triggered after:

  • the plug-in is initialized on the page load
  • an image is added to a rich HTML text
  • an image is removed from a rich HTML text

The event is triggered along with the JSON object described in the table below.

seqIdNumberA sequence ID identifying an image in the plug-in collection.
guiIdStringA temporary ID identifying an image in document DOM.
dbIdNumberAn ID identifying an image in database table.
restBooleanWhen true, an image was uploaded using the plug-in RESTful service.
base64BooleanWhen true, an image is added to rich HTML text as inline base64 image.
onloadBooleanWhen true, an image was present in a rich HTML text when plug-in was initialized.
addedBooleanWhen true an image was added to a rich HTML text.
removedBooleanWhen true an image was removed from a rich HTML text.
urlStringA current image URL.
nodeDOM nodeA DOM node referencing an image.