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Custom attributes

The plug-in exposes application (component settings) and component (page item) attributes allowing plug-in configuration. The application attributes are common for all application page items implementing the Rich Text Editor Pro.


The plug-in application (component settings) are applied to all page items unless overridden by page item configuration.

Image Upload URL

The attribute value must be RESTful handler URL uploading images.

TypeRequiredDependent onDefault value
Page item level

When page item settings option Override Application Attributes is enabled, the attribute Image Upload URL can be set on page item level.

Image Browse URL

The attribute value must be RESTful handler URL browsing images using Froala browsing popup.

TypeRequiredDependent onDefault value
Page item level

When page item settings option Override Application Attributes is enabled, the attribute Image Browse URL can be set on page item level.

Image Delete URL

The attribute value must be RESTful handler URL deleting images in Froala browsing popup.

TypeRequiredDependent onDefault value
Page item level

When page item settings option Override Application Attributes is enabled, the attribute Image Delete URL can be set on page item level.


The attribute value must be RESTful handler URL returning image uploaded using the plug-in RESTful service.

TypeRequiredDependent onDefault value
page item attribute

When page item settings option Override Application Attributes is enabled, the attribute Image GET URL can be set on page item level.

Initialization PL/SQL Code

The given PL/SQL code is evaluated when the plug-in is rendered by Oracle APEX.

TypeRequiredDependent onDefault value
PL/SQL CodeNoNoneNone
learn more
  • The plug-in package UC_FROALA_RTE variables can be used to enable third-party integrations and configure the plug-in.
  • The plug-in PL/SQL procedure toolbar_init_group can be used to specify toolbar butons using PL/SQL logic.
page item attribute

The attribute can be also set using attribute Initialization PL/SQL Code on page item level.


The plug-in exposes the following component attributes at the item level in the APEX page designer.


TypeRequiredDependent on

The available options are the following:

  • Enable Browser Built-in Spell Check
  • Enable Sticky Toolbar
  • Expand height to fit rich text
  • Override Application Attributes
  • Validate CLOB Checksum on Page Submit

Enable Browser Built-in Spell Check

Based on the checkbox state, a built-in browser spell check is enabled or disabled.

  • Checked - A browser built-in spell check is enabled
  • Not checked - A browser built-in spell check is disabled

Enable Sticky Toolbar

Based on the checkbox state, the plug-in editor toolbar is sticky while scrolling a page. A top offset of the toolbar can be set using the plug-in item attribute Toolbar Top Offset.

  • Checked - The editor toolbar is frozen when the end-user scrolls a page.
  • Not checked - The editor toolbar's top position is not affected when the end user scrolls the page.

Expand height to fit rich text

Based on the checkbox state, the editor expand it's height to fit rich text.

  • Checked - The editor's height expands along with rich text
  • Not checked - The editor's height is fixed based on the height attribute.

Override Application Attributes

Based on the checkbox state, the plug-in uses an application scope attributes values or allows a developer to specify new values on a page item level. The following application attributes can be overridden: Image Upload URL, Image Browse URL, Image Delete URL, and Image GET URL.

  • Checked - A developer has to specify a new URL(s) to RESTful service handlers.
  • Not checked - An application scope attribute values are used.

Validate CLOB Checksum on Page Submit

Based on the checkbox state, the plug-in performs the built-in plug-in validation on the CLOB contents each time a page is submitted. Additionally, you can specify on which page-submit requests the plug-in performs built-in checksum validation.

  • Checked - The plug-in performs built-in validation on the CLOB each time the page is submitted. See the page item attribute Validation Request(s).
  • Not checked - The plug-in doesn't perform built-in validation on the CLOB.
CLOB Checksum Validation

Learm more about CLOB checksum validation here.

Validation Request(s)

TypeRequiredDependent onDefault value
TextNoSettings / Validate CLOB Checksum On Page SubmitNone

Use this attribute to restrict the built-in plug-in validation to the given comma-separated list of page submit requests. Leaving this attribute blank will execute built-in validation on each page submission.

When left empty, the plug-in performs validation on each page-submit request.


TypeRequiredDependent onDefault Value
Select listYesNoneFull

The attribute defines what toolbar preset is applied to the Froala editor. The available options are the following:

  • Basic
  • Intermediate
  • Full
  • Custom PL/SQL
Cutom PL/SQL

When toolbar is set to Custom PL/SQL, the plug-in procedure UC_FROALA_RTE.toolbar_init_group must define toolbar buttons.

Learn more

Learn more about toolbar concept.

Toolbar Top Offset

TypeRequiredDependent on
NumberYesSettings \ Enable Sticky Toolbar

When the Froala Toolbar is set to be sticky, the toolbar top offset can be set using this attribute.

The default value is 48px, which is the default height of the Universal Theme header bar in the page template.


TypeRequiredDependent on
NumberNoSettings \ Enable Sticky Toolbar

This attribute allows you to set the height (in pixels) of the editor. The given value is used to set the height property. Keep in mind that the height doesn't include the toolbar and the footer of the editor - it is only applied to the working area.


Upload Image(s) on Request(s)

TypeRequiredDependent on

The attribute accepts comma-separated page-submit requests.

When specified, the plug-in uploads images only for the given requests. Otherwise, images remain in CLOB content as they were embedded and are not uploaded using plug-in REST on page submission.

Image Upload URL

TypeRequiredDependent onDefault value
TextYesOverride Application Attributes is checkedNone

The attribute value must be RESTful handler URL uploading images.

Example values

Image Browse URL

TypeRequiredDependent onDefault value
TextYesOverride Application Attributes is checkedNone

The attribute value must be RESTful handler URL browsing images using Froala browsing popup.

Example values

Image Delete URL

TypeRequiredDependent on
TextYesOverride Application Attributes is checkedNone

The attribute value must be RESTful handler URL deleting images in Froala browsing popup.

Example values


TypeRequiredDependent onDefault value
TextYesOverride Application Attributes is checkedNone

The attribute value must be RESTful handler URL returning image uploaded using the plug-in RESTful service.

Example values

Initialization PL/SQL Code

TypeRequiredDependent on
PL/SQL CodeNoNone

The given PL/SQL code is evaluated when the plug-in instance is rendered by Oracle APEX overriding initialization PL/SQL code defined on application level using application component settings.

learn more
  • The plug-in package UC_FROALA_RTE variables can be used to enable third-party integrations and configure the plug-in.
  • The plug-in PL/SQL procedure toolbar_init_group can be used to specify toolbar butons using PL/SQL logic.

Substitution strings

The plug-in substitution strings referencing sample RESTful service are computed when Oracle APEX renders the plug-in. By the default, computed values are dependent on an application attribute Friendly URLs. Substitution strings are using the URL pattern with the following components used to compute values depending on Friendly URLs attribute:

  • {DEFAULT_REST_MODULE} - the value is always ucfroalasamplerest

  • {DEFAULT_UPLOAD_TEMPLATE} - the value is always upload

  • {DEFAULT_BROWSE_TEMPLATE} - the value is always browse

  • {DEFAULT_DELETE_TEMPLATE} - the value is always delete

  • {DEFAULT_GET_TEMPLATE} - the value is always get

  • {X-APEX-BASE} - the value is computed using owa_util.get_cgi_env('X-APEX-BASE').

  • {HOST} - the value is computed using APEX function apex_util.host_url('SCRIPT');

  • {ORDS_ALIAS} - the value returned from SQL Query

    select nvl(pattern, lower(parsing_schema)) from user_ords_schemas


The substitution string returns URL to the plug-in sample RESTful service module without handler name. It can be used to reference all sample handlers, for example:

  • Reference sample upload handler using #DEFAULT_REST_URL_MODULE#upload
  • Reference sample get handler using #DEFAULT_REST_URL_MODULE#get
  • Reference sample browse handler using #DEFAULT_REST_URL_MODULE#browse
  • Reference sample delete handler using #DEFAULT_REST_URL_MOD

The computed URL depends on an application attribute Friendly URLs.



The substitution string returns URL to the plug-in sample REST handler uploading images. The computed URL depends on an application attribute Friendly URLs.



The substitution string returns URL to the plug-in sample REST handler browsing images. The computed URL depends on an application attribute Friendly URLs.



The substitution string returns URL to the plug-in sample REST handler deleting images using Froala browse popup. The computed URL depends on an application attribute Friendly URLs.



The substitution string returns URL to the plug-in sample REST handler fetching uploaded image. The computed URL depends on an application attribute Friendly URLs.